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Fremont High - Senior Cotillion Dance Info.

Fremont High - Senior Cotillion Dance Info.

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Dear Visitor,

We are excited to host Senior Cotillion! This dance is for Seniors only. Cotillion is a time-honored tradition at Fremont! The theme is "Fly Love" from the movie Rio. The dance will be held on May 10th from 8:00-10:00 p.m. in Moyes Stadium. Your $15 ticket includes a treat from Zepes at the dance. Cotillion is a formal dress/attire dance. Please follow the Weber School District Dance dress code policy. Only soft sole shoes or wedges (i.e. tennis shoes) will be allowed on the turf field. NO heels will be permitted to avoid tears in the turf. 
To purchase tickets to the dance, please go to Guests are not permitted at this dance. The Cotillion dance is reserved for Fremont High School Seniors only. All tickets will be sold individually. Tickets will be available for purchase up through the evening of May 10th. Please use your student ID as your passcode. Seniors, we look forward to seeing you at this very special event to kick off a week dedicated to celebrating the Senior class of 2024!

Alicia Mitchell