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Fremont High - Homecoming Dance Info.

Fremont High - Homecoming Dance Info.

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Dear Students & Parents,

Homecoming Dance-September 7th:

The Theme this year is: Everybody Wants to Rule the World by: Tears for Fears

To purchase tickets to the dance please got to and click on "Tickets" at the top of the page. Then select the event labeled "Homecoming Dance". For students who attend Fremont High School, your passcode is your student ID. Tickets are $15 and are on sale now. Students will be able to purchase tickets all the way up through the night of the dance if you attend Fremont. You will only be able to purchase a ticket for yourself, even if you have a date. You date can purchase their ticket using their student ID.

All Fremont students have one ticket loaded into the ticket system and the passcode is your student ID. If you have a date, and want to purchase their ticket for them, please work together to get this accomplished. This is the quickest way for us to help students with entry into the dance. If you would like to bring a date from a different school, you and your date will need to fill out the Guest Participation Form and put their student ID number along with an uploaded picture of their student ID in the form. At the end of each school day we will review and approve guests, and then add guests to the ticketing system. Your guest will then be able to purchase a ticket as well. All participants regardless of the school they attend MUST have their student ID with them in order to enter the dance. There is also no reentry once you decide to leave for the evening. If you and your guest don't complete the Guest Participation form process and are not properly vetted, we will not be able to allow you admittance to the dance. Please make sure you follow the process!

Students who are in junior high are NOT allowed to attend high school dances, and students who are older than 19 are also NOT able to attend. If you plan to bring a guest to the dance, the link/form must be completed by 3:00 p.m. on Friday September 6th. Our office staff does not work on Saturday and we will not be able to get your guest approved after the deadline.

Guest Participation Form

# ForeverFremont

Alicia Mitchell