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Community Council Minutes - 2018 March 21

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Fremont High School Community Council Meeting


March 21, 2018

3:00-4:00 PM

Office Conference Room

  1. Welcome                                                                                             Kori Ann Edwards

Board Members Present: Kori Ann Edwards, Michele Parry, Shelley Craig, Dianna Hunt, Colette Laub, Angie Walker, Patrick Andrus, Lisa Dalebout, Kim Hatch, Andrea Jones, Tracy Stokes

Members Absent: Shelly Bush, William Hagon, Mesia Murphy, Larry Hadley, Chad Marriott, Cody Storey

  1. Review January 2018 Minutes                                                          Andrea Jones
    1. Minutes were approved
  2. 2017-18 School LAND Trust Program Updates                               Michele Parry
    1. Budget Review
      1. Current year’s budget was reviewed along with the change that was approved by the council. Also, the board approved moving some funds to be used for the Alecs software for math student’s use.
      2. The remaining balance was approved to be used to purchase up to 8 new projectors to replace the old projectors throughout the building. Move to approve – Patrick Andrus; unanimous approval of this cost.
    2. Program Goals 1, 2, 3
      1. Reviewed the current year’s plan and goals and discussed how the money has been used throughout the year and how it will impact our plan for next year.
  3. 2018-18 School LAND Trust Plan                                                                             Council
    1. Michele Parry discussed the new goals for the upcoming school year along with the action plan and details for how the monies will be spent. This will have a final read through take place at the next meeting for approval and then will be submitted.
  4. Other Items of Business                                                                               Council
    1. Ideas for thing to look at for the upcoming year:
      1. Kim Hatch – AVID or a program to teach study skills to students; possibly having an AP Flex Study Skills class, or incorporating something like that into Flex.
        1. We can look for schools that are using this program and find ways for us to adopt the ideas behind it without needing to adopt the program. Michele will discuss with Treana Roeche as she is involved with a similar program at Weber State.
      2. Lisa Dalebout – Teaching 9th graders at the beginning of their 9th grade year about the need to take the ACT early on, academic all-state requirements, index scores for scholarships.
        1. Michele is going to be meeting with the administrators from our feeder junior highs to discuss how to do this at the 9th grade level.
  5. Next meeting April 18, 2018
  6. Close Meeting
    1. Meeting Dismissed at 4:12 pm