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Fremont Student Advocates
Hannah Blanch

Hannah Blanch

P - Z

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Ryan Boden

Ryan Boden

Attendance Tracking

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Trista Kort

Trista Kort

H - O

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Michelle Taylor

Michelle Taylor

A - G

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Student Advocate Purpose

  • Engage in parent/student contact and discuss factors relating to grades and attendance.
  • Offer one on one assistance, allowing students to receive individualized help on course work.
  • Help with organization and time management.
  • Monitor students' acaemic level to provide guidance to students to ensure they meet academic, attendance and behavioral requirements to graduate.
  • Continual communication with teachers on students' progress with class work.


math tutoring

Organizing Tips

student plannercanvas dashboardcanvas calendar

Study Tips

1. Get into a routine

Creating a routine can help you stay consistent day-to-day and week-to-week. Write down your general weekly schedule on a whiteboard or calendar, and then establish time blocks that you will spend doing your homework. This schedule can help focus your time and stay on task.

Check Canvas daily, even on the weekends, and when you are, absent from school for any reason. Check it even when you don’t think you have any assignments.

2. Set Rules for Yourself

No distractions while working on your assignments

Put away your phone. Reward yourself for completed assignments. Once you have completed a set amount of schoolwork you can look at social media for 10 minutes. Set a timer to remind you to start working again.

Focus on one assignment at a time, and only turn your attention to the next task when you've completed and submitted the first assignment.

3. Use Tools to stay Organized

  • Canvas Calendar: Learn about Canvas Calendar
  • Make sure that once you complete an assignment you submit it on Canvas.
  • Planner: Write down schedule and assignments as you are given them.
  • Folder: Keep all papers for class in one central location. Use a different folder for each course to find items more easily.
  • Color Coding: Color-coding your materials is a visual cue that allows you to easily see what belongs together. For example, buy a blue folder and notebook for math, a red folder and notebook for science and so on. Color Coordinate your folders, planners, et. with your Canvas Course Cards.
  • Organize Your Stuff: Being organized makes everything else easier. It helps you get to work faster without wasting time looking for stuff. Keep your assignments and class information organized by subject. Put them in binders, notebooks, or folders. If you find yourself stuffing loose papers in your bag or grabbing different notebooks for the same class, it is time to stop and reorganize! Clean out your backpack regularly. Decide where to keep returned assignments and things you want to hold on to. Offload things you no longer need to carry around.
  • Organize Your Space: Space. You need a good workspace — someplace quiet enough to focus. It is best to work at a desk or table where you can spread out your work. Have a place set aside for homework. That way, when you sit down, your mind knows you are there to work and can help you focus more quickly.
  • Organize Your Time: Have a set time that you work on your schoolwork each day. Set an amount of time that you will work on your assignments. At the end of the scheduled time, if you have been on task you can reward yourself with an allotted amount of free time.