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Community Council Minutes - 2017 November 15

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Fremont High School

Community Council Meeting

November 15, 2017

  1. Welcome

Board Members Present: Kori Ann Edwards, Michele Parry, Kimberly Hatch, Tracy Stokes, Andrea Jones, Shelly Bush, Shelley Craig, Patrick Andrus, Collette Laub

Board Members Absent and excused: Angie Walker, Larry Hadley, Lisa Dalebout, Cody Storey, Dianna Hunt, William Agon

  1. Minutes read and approved from last meeting.
  2. General Business:
    • Kori Ann – Met with some legislators at the state capitol, and they are more than willing to give us additional information as it applies to us.
    • Michele – Passed around an updated budget with monies that have been spent this far. Salaries are already set for the year. Seth Pilkington will look into what that amount is.
      • Teacher buyouts; Student advocates; After School Tutoring – Teacher extra pay
      • Advocates – They take the district D,F, I report as well as looking at attendance, etc. to set up one-on-one help. They also have a flex period that they have 20-30 students that they work specifically with during this time.
      • Professional Services – Set aside for development for the website.
      • Repairs and Maintenance – We may need some additional funds, as five projectors have already been replaced. We’re trying to set aside money for when these for when they quit working or need new wiring, etc. Maybe look at carry over funds to possibly move to repairs and maintenance.
      • Travel – For teacher training, teacher workshops, and we may end up with some surplus.
      • General Supplies –
      • Textbooks – We spent 23,000 overall, using up the $15,000 from trustlands.
      • Equipment – Funding was for calculators
    • Update on the Bond – Contractors were here the day after it passed. The area will be fenced in today. We will be adding 150 parking spaces. We will need to adjust fire drill locations. Ceiling will be torn out, and build a temporary construction corridor over Thanksgiving Break. Early May, they will connect the two together. 12 classrooms with two bathrooms. The district is planning to take the portables,
    • Andrea- Flex Update – We have gone to an online form rather than the paper form. We have 2,550 requests in the first three weeks.
    • Michele - FAFSA Family Night – 41 families attended which we only had 6 last year. A possibility of having this again in the spring.
  3. Talking about the Land Trust budget for next year
  • Michele - We are starting to gather our data so we can see where our strengths and weaknesses are and start in January, and moving forward from that point out.
  1. Ideas to consider for next year’s Land Trust plan
  • Shelley Craig – Has it stayed the same, or has it been changing. Salaries is usually a large cost for most schools. Advocates is another salary. Technology is usually a large cost for most schools.
  • Michele – Looking for a math aide or a few aides to help with those students if those scores are struggling. Dedicated Scholarship Counselor to help educate students on the availability of them.
  • Kori Ann - Making sure we are meeting the needs of all the students, no matter their achievement level.
  • Kim Hatch – Taking students to the International Science Fair; working with a small group of students to help prepare them for science fair, and funding to be able to do their research isn’t around. USTAR and OWATC resources; Fieldtrips and equipment could be used under trust lands.
    • Davis County is trying to get a laptop out to every student. English teachers all have a Chromebook lab.
    • IB Program at Weber High School – watching to see what happens and changes
  1. General Information:

Christmas Tree Jubilee 4-8 pm; Wednesday, all day. 12-8 and Friday. Raffles, trees, and all money will go back to students special needs students in Weber County, helps them have the things for them to have at home that helps them be like all other kids at home. Teacher and School grants through the district. Money raised comes back to the schools. Adaptive playgrounds at elementary for all students.

Other Dates/ Activities of Interest:

  • November 22, 2017 – No School/Comp Day
  • November 23-24: Thanksgiving Break, No School
  • November 27: Kash 4 Kids Kick Off Assembly
  • November 29: 2nd Quarter Mid-term
  • December 6: Parent Teacher Conferences 1-6pm
  • Mandatory Training at January’s Meeting
  1. Meeting Adjourned 3:49 pm