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Community Council Minutes - 2017 October 25

Fremont High School

Community Council Meeting

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

3:00 PM

Main Office Conference Room

  1. Meeting Called to Order 3:00pm Kori Ann Edwards

Members Present: Kori Ann Edwards, Michele Parry, Shelly Craig, Dianna Hunt, Colette Laub, Mesia Murphy, Angie Walker, Lisa Dalebout, Kim Hatch, Andrea Jones, Tracy Stokes, Cody Storey

Members Absent: Shelly Bush, William Hagon, Larry Hadley, Chad Marriott

  1. Discussion about Membership (teacher participation) – Michele Parry, Principal reported that an email was sent to the staff asking who was interested in serving on the Community Council. Eleven teachers responded, and an election was held. Four additional teachers were added, with the majority of the membership still being parents.
  2. Overview of the School LAND Trust Program – Kori Ann Edwards gave an overview of how the School LAND Trust program work, where the money comes from and how it can be used.
  3. A review of the current FHS Plan and Summary Report – Michele Parry went through the details of the plan that was put into place from last year’s council. As money is requested, the council will review the requests and determine if/where they fit into the plan.
  4. School Update – The vote on the Weber School District Bond will be voted on November 7. It would provide an addition to the school, two levels with 12 additional classrooms. It would include two science classrooms, a new jewelry lab, and restrooms. We currently have 11 portables. The bond also includes rebuilding Roy Junior High School, and two elementary schools.
  5. Discussion on New/Additional Funding –

ACT Focus: Help students and parents understand index scores; Math Classes started doing ACT Math Prep questions at the beginning of classes, and in the other areas of focus, Fremont’s overall ACT scores went up. Currently, Math 1050 students are working with struggling students outside of class. ACT Prep Courses are going on – need to find additional ways to notify parents and increase parent engagement.

FAFSA Night – November 9 5-8pm. This will be posted on Twitter and Facebook over the next couple of weeks. Our Scholarship advisor, helped students double the amount of scholarships given last year from the year before.

Lisa Dalebout – Discussed the need for students even at the 9th grade level needing to know about Academic All State for sports. Tracy Stokes – Having a scholarship night for students at the junior high level, 8th or 9th grade, so they know the impact their grades have from 9th grade on. Ideas for this night could include: the ability to earn gold cords for graduation, index scores, extra-curricular activities, what to start collecting (certificates, letters of recommendation, etc.)

Kori Ann Edwards – From the state level, they are looking at giving educators the opportunity for industry internships during the summer to help them help students make the connections between what they are learning in the classroom and how it applies in the workforce.

Michele Parry – The local ATC is going to putting on an industry fair to show all of the trade labor positions that are available – hands on. They have developed an NDI Composite program to help prepare students for the workforce.

Kori Ann Edwards – We will develop a plan for next year in the spring, and we can all start brainstorming ideas of how we want to handle this money, and that we want to be diverse in the funding to meet the needs of our students, no matter their achievement level.

  1. Next Meeting, November 15, 2017
  2. Close Meeting – Moved by Lisa Dalebout and seconded. Meeting Adjourned at 3:55pm