Community Council Minutes - 2020 November
Fremont High School Community Council Meeting
Minutes - 11 November 2020
3:00 - 4:00pm; Virtual Meeting
1. Welcome: Andrea Bell
2. Introduce Members
Andrea Bell, Angie Walker, Lacy Richards, Rebecca Becker, Chad Marriot, Christy Koford, Nicole
Cypers, Michele Parry, Kimberly Hatch, Ashlee Harris, Tracy Stokes, Sharon Bolos
3. Lands Trust Training
- Sent to each member through email
- Role of members- address needs of school, look at goals and data to
determine needs and meeting goals
4. 2020 Trust Land Plan Review
- No end of year data because of Covid shutdown
- Increased post secondary enrollment and readiness
- 4 year graduation rate- dropped from 94% to 93.5%
- Math Tutoring- problem because students won’t stay, need to figure out how to get tutoring going
- Scheduling with teachers instead of just come on their own
- Credit recovery option, online option, lunch option
- Issue of transportation for student who need help
- Advocates could help schedule appointments for teachers
- May need to Amend plan because Flex is not an option
5. Meeting Calendar Review
- Meeting 2nd Wednesday of each month
- Next meeting December 2, 2020
6. Other Items of Business
- Budget- $4000 carry over, could possibly have extra money in teacher buyouts
- Legislative Memo- Council must review safety plan for school, create positive behavior plan
- Top three issues- vaping, availability of handguns/suicide, depression/anxiety
- Accreditation- Teacher leader teams working, all teachers participating
7. Close Meeting
- Rebecca Becker motion to adjourn, Lacy Richards second