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Community Council Minutes - 2021 Jan 13

Fremont High School Community Council Meeting


January 13, 2021, 3:00-4:00 PM

PDF Version

Virtual Meet

Attendance: Andrea Bell, Ashlee Harris, Lacy Richards, Nicole Cypers, Tracy Stokes, Tami Meacham,  Michele Parry, Christy Koford, Rebecca Becker, Sharon Bolos, Chad Marriott

  1. Welcome- Andrea Bell
  2. School LAND Trust Program Update- Michele Parry
    • Review Dec. 2nd- Positive behaviors plan addition to Land Trust Report
      • Sharp survey will be used- Vaping major issue
        • educations and encouragement not punishment
        • Vaping detectors, PSA Posters, Focus in Health classes
        • Parents- Catch My Breath Presentation
          • City/Community sponsorship possibility
        • Mid-year review of plan and expenditures
          • $112,000 budgeted for teachers may have extra money
            • virtual teaching possibility
          • Need to spend at least $12,000
            • Replacing projectors biggest need
            • Virtual learning equipment purchases
  3. Other business:
    • Graduation rate did improve in 2020 - 96%
    • Covid- New procedures
      • Calls and contract tracing still happening if students exposed at school, can choose to quarantine
      • Threshold change- 23 positive cases to shut down
      • Teacher immunizations have started
  4. Next meeting February 10, 2021 3:00 pm
  5. Close Meeting-Rebecca Becker motion to close, Nicole Cypers Second