Community Council Minutes - 2022 Nov 16
Fremont Community Council
Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2022
Board Members in attendance: Ashlee Harris, Alicia Mitchell, Colette Erickson, Nicole Cypers, Christy Koford, Sheila Taylor, Adrienne Gray, Nate Hadley, Cole Price, Tami Meacham, Rob Riley, Haylee Hoch
1. Welcome - Ashlee Harris
2. Review Minutes - Colette Erickson
Motion to approve: Adrienne Gray 2nd Haylee Hoch
3. Counselor Report - Tami Meachum
Discussed You Science - how to implement it (still have 500 to go) will help sophomores in class choices and 9th graders in 4 year plans
4. 2022-23 Trustland Plan - Alicia Mitchell
Addendum to money allocations
Motion to approve: Ashlee Harris for a vote, all in favor (13 yes)
5. Library/Media Center Presentation - Gena Lott
Lots of groups using media center: English department, FFA stem projects, debate team
Remodeling coming
6. Boundary Committee Update - Alicia Mitchell
Ashlee Harris will serve with Alicia Mitchell on Committee
7. Other Items of Business - Ashlee Harris
8. Close Meeting - Next Meeting January 18th
Motion to end the meeting: Adrienne Gray, 2nd Nicole Cypers