AP-Concurrent Enrollment

 AP Courses

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AP Classes

ART AP – 3D Studio design (32612)

This course is geared towards compiling a portfolio for college credit.  Students will be working on a college level and be expected to complete 4-6 hours of work per week in class and outside of school in order to keep up with the intense projects.  It is recommended that students take this course as a junior and senior if possible. AP portfolio required.                                   

Fee $20 per semester                    

Fee $90 portfolio submission          11th or 12th grade

Pre-requisite:  Advanced pottery/Jewelry                                                        1.0 fine arts credit                    

Art-AP (32610)

This course is geared towards compiling a portfolio for college credit.  Students will be working on a college level and be expected to do hours of homework in order to keep up with the intense projects.  It is recommended that students take this course as a junior and senior if possible.  AP portfolio required.

Fee: $20 per semester                   

Fee: $90 portfolio submission         11th or 12th grade               

Pre-requisite:  Art 2                                                                               1.0 Fine Arts credit

Biology-AP (72610)

This class offers an in-depth look at living things. Cells, ecology, genetics, and animal and plant systems are the main area of study. Labs are a main part of the class. It is recommended for honors level sophomores, juniors, and seniors wishing to earn college credit. Students who earn a score of 3 or above on the AP test will earn college credit. The class is recommended for students interested in a science-related career, such as medical, environmental, etc., or non-science majors trying to fulfill general science requirements.

Fee: AP test                                 10th, 11th, or 12th Grade                          1.0 Science credit

AP Calculus (62620)

College-level course geared toward the AP test given in the spring. Covers calculus concepts such as limit, derivative, optimization, related rates of change, area under a curve, and volume. Students passing the AP Test earn 8 college credits. TI-83 or equivalent calculator necessary.   

Prerequisite:  C or better in Sec Math 1, 2 and 3 Honors                                                  

Fee: AP test                                12th Grade                                                 1.0 Math credit

AP Chemistry (72620)

AP Chemistry is a rigorous course designed to prepare the student to pass the AP Exam given in the spring.  Concepts include chemical bonding, atomic structure, stoichiometry and thermodynamics.  It is recommended that students complete a year of Algebra II and one year of Chemistry.  Included in the class are advanced labs and demonstrations requiring individual student research.  Be prepared to spend a couple of hours weekly doing homework. 

Fee:  AP Test & $10 lab fee              11th or 12th Grade                                  1.0 Science credit

AP English Language and Composition - English 11 (52625)

This is the only junior-level English class that offers students the opportunity to earn college credit!!  AP English Language and Composition is a university-level course designed to help advanced junior students become highly skilled readers and writers.  A score of three or better on the AP exam (given in early May) gives 3 semester hours of university English 1010 credit AND 3 semester hours of general elective credit.  This class is open to any ambitious junior student willing to take on a rigorous program of reading and writing which will provide excellent preparation for university-level work.                  

Fee: AP Test & Books                    11th GRADE                                           1.0 English 11 credit

AP Literature/Composition - English 12 (52630)

AP English Literature and Composition is a university-level course designed to engage students in the careful reading and critical analysis of some of the greatest literature ever written!  A score of three or better on the AP exam given in early May gives the student six semester hours of university English credit.  Recommendations:  19 or above English ACT score and a 3.0 English GPA.                           

Fee: AP Test & Books                        12th Grade                                     1.0 English 12 credit

AP European History (77620)

A great way to learn with advanced students and receive college credit.  If TWO or more of the following apply to you, you should consider taking AP European.  1-you enjoy history, 2- you have a good GPA, 3- you are a good reader, 4- you have been part of any academic league or academic group, and 5- you plan on taking any other AP classes during high school.

Fee: AP Test                                10th, 11th, or 12th Grade               1.0 World History credit

Music-AP (32620)

This class is a college level music theory class and should be taken by junior or senior students interested in pursuing music or developing their knowledge. Different theoretical aspects of music will be explored as well as music history, ear training, and sight reading. Students may earn college credit by taking the National AP exam. Basic note reading and general music knowledge is a must for this class.

Fee: AP test                                11th or 12th Grade                               1.0 Fine Arts credit

AP Physics 1 (72650)

AP Physics 1 is a non-calculus based college-level physics course intended for students going into the physical sciences as well as the life sciences, pre-medicine, applied sciences and engineering fields.  This course uses inquiry-based learning activities and labs to develop a conceptual understanding of physics principles.  Students will design and conduct their own experiments.  Topics covered include kinematics, dynamics, circular motion and gravitation, energy, momentum, simple harmonic motion, rotational motion, mechanical waves, electrostatics and DC circuits.  It is assumed that the student is familiar with and understands the principles of algebra and trigonometry.  Students who enroll in this course are strongly encouraged to take the AP Physics 1 exam in May.  A graphing calculator (at least TI-83) is required.

Fee: $10 lab & AP Test                    10th, 11th, or 12th Grade                        1.0 Science credit

AP Probability/Statistics (62640)

College-level course geared toward the AP test given in the spring. Covers statistical topics such as planning surveys, gathering data, anticipating patterns, and statistical inferences. TI-83 or equivalent calculator is required. Students passing the AP test will earn 4 college credits. Students not taking the AP Test will be required to complete a statistical project instead.

Pre-requisite:  C or better in Sec Math 1, 2 and 3                     

Fee: AP test                                12th Grade                                                1.0 Math credit

Psychology- AP (77630)

Advanced Placement Psychology is a journey in self-discovery! If you want to know yourself better and increase your self-esteem, this is the class for you! We will apply psychological theories/concepts to your life experience in order to uncover your "authentic self." Be ready for an exciting personal journey!

Fee: AP Test                                10th, 11th or 12th Grade                       1.0 Elective credit

AP US History (77610)

A GREAT CLASS FOR COLLEGE BOUND STUDENTS!  Not only does this class provide a solid knowledge of American history but also teaches the student critical thinking and analyzing skills along with study skills.  All of these are very important in preparing for college.  This class fulfills the US History requirement for graduation.  Students should be very proficient readers to take this class.

Fee: AP test                                 11th or 12th Grade                        1.0 US History credit

AP World History (77605)

This tenth grade AP World History course begins with the period “to 600 BC” and ends in the present day.  The class is broken down into manageable periods and the class will focus on mastery of skills critical to the May AP World History exam.  Students will take multiple – choice tests and write essays which will include studying maps, using graphs, analyzing art works, and interpreting quotations.

Fee: AP test                       10th, 11th or 12th Grade                  1.0 World Civilizations credit

AP US Government & Politics (77665)

This semester-length course takes and in-depth look at the United States Government from the original writing and ratification of the Constitution to the debates today about its meaning.  Students will gain a greater understanding of how the framers built the branches of government and then draw on personal experience and modern-day rhetoric to analyze how interpretations of the Constitution, Amendments and subsequent laws have shaped politics today.  Unit topics include:  Constitutional framing and framers; Political beliefs and behaviors; Political Parties, Interest Groups and Mass Media; Institutions of National Government; Public Policy; & Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

Fee:  AP test                      11th or 12th Grade                    0.5 US Govt. & Citizenship credit

Spanish 6 / AP Spanish (35215)

Continuation of Spanish 5.  Designed to continue enhancing each student’s ability to comfortably use the four areas of foreign language using intensive grammar and literary contexts to attain comprehensive understanding and fluency.  Through oral exercises, written composition, literacy analysis and listening comprehension, the student will gain a higher mastery of communication skills.  AP test given in the spring. Most colleges will grant 202 credit to students who pass with a 3 or better on the AP exam.

Pre-requisite: Spanish 5                                            

Fee: AP Test                      12th Grade                                          1.0 English Elective credit

AP German 6 (35235)

Continuation of German 5.  Designed to continue enhancing each student’s ability to comfortably use German language using intensive grammar and literary contexts to attain comprehensive understanding and fluency.  The student will gain a higher master of communication skills through oral exercises, written composition, literacy analysis and listening comprehension.  Student can opt for concurrent enrollment credit through Weber State University or can take the AP test in the spring. Moat colleges will grant 2020 credit to students who pass with a 3 or better on the AP exam.

Pre-requisite: German 5                                             

Fee: AP test                       11th or 12th Grade                              1.0 English Elective credit

Concurrent Enrollment Courses

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Concurrent Enrollment

WSU English 1010 (52420) 

This is a writing intensive course.  Students must buy a writing handbook.    Course requirements include:  20 pages of essay, and 90% attendance. A 90% attendance policy is strictly enforced (this includes all excused absences).  

Pre-requisite:  Students must have a 17 or higher on ACT in both Reading and English. 

Fee: WSU CE & Books            12th Grade                                                          1.0 English 12 credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                             ENG 1010 - 3 credits

WSU English 2010 (52422) 

This is a writing intensive course. English 2010 builds upon the habits and skills developed in English 1010. The course provides instruction and practice in exposition, argumentation/persuasion, and documented research. It emphasizes critical thinking, the reciprocity of reading and writing, and the production of well-developed analytical arguments. Course requirements include:  20 pages of essay, and 90% attendance. A 90% attendance policy is strictly enforced (this includes all excused absences).

Pre-requisite:  ENGL 1010 with a “C” grade or better, OR score of 3 or higher on the AP Language exam, OR 29 or higher on ACT in both Reading AND English. 

Fee: WSU CE & Books             12th Grade                                                           1.0 English 12 credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                             ENG 2010 - 3 credits

WSU English 2200 HU/DV (52435): Introduction to Literature

This is a writing- and reading-intensive course.  English 2200 is an introduction to three major literary genres, fiction, poetry, and drama, drawn from a diverse range of authors from various cultures and historical periods. Students will learn how to read literary texts closely and critically, and how literature–reading more generally–can have a meaningful part of their daily lives. Course includes relevant practice in the principles of successful writing, including drafting, revising, and editing.

A 90% attendance policy is strictly enforced (this includes all excused absences).  Credits count toward HU/DV university general education requirements.

Fee: WSU CE & Books             12th Grade                                                           1.0 English 12 credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                             ENG 2200 - 3 credits

WSU Communication 2110 (52425)

 Provides students with skills to communicate in small and interpersonal groups.  Learn to work with family, work, and personal communication dilemmas like a pro.  Students will work in groups throughout the course to complete class assignments, service projects, and take tests.  A 90% attendance policy is strictly enforced (this includes all excused absences).  Students are responsible for WSU course textbook purchase.

Fee: WSU CE & Books             12th Grade                                                           1.0 English 12 credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                         COMM 2110 - 3 credits

Spanish 2 (35211)

Continuation of Spanish 1. Students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills are progressively developed. Added emphasis is placed on vocabulary, acquisition as well as the introduction of narration in the past tense. Spanish culture, music, and short stories enhance classroom instruction. A high emphasis is placed on speaking skills.

Pre-requisite:  Spanish 1

Fee: WSU CE & Books          10th, 11th, or 12th Grade                                1.0 Elective credit Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                         SPAN 1010 - 3 credits

Spanish 3 (35212)

Continuation of Spanish 2. Through speaking, listening, reading and writing activities, the student gains a basic proficiency in language fluency. More emphasis placed on free conversation. A high emphasis will be placed on conversational abilities expanding to past and future tenses.

Pre-requisite: Spanish 2                         

Fee: WSU CE & Books          10th, 11th or 12th Grade                      1.0 English Elective credit Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                  SPAN 1020 – 3 credits

 Spanish 4 (35213)

Continuation of Spanish 3. Oriented toward an active, flexible command of Spanish through personal use and understanding. Communication through hearing, speaking, reading, and writing is constantly enriched by cultural literacy. High emphasis is placed on enhancing conversational abilities in past, present, and future tenses as well as higher level grammatical skills.  

Pre-requisite: Spanish 3

Fee: WSU CE & Books              10th, 11th or 12th Grade                     1.0 English Elective credit Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                         SPAN 2010 – 3 credits

 Spanish 5/Pre AP (35214)

Continuation of Spanish 4. Designed to prepare the advanced student in the four skill areas of foreign language. Through oral exercises, written composition, literacy analysis and listening comprehension, the student will gain a higher mastery of communication skills.   

Pre-requisite: Spanish 4

Fee: WSU CE & Books          11th or 12th Grade                                  1.0 English Elective credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                     SPAN 1020 – 3 credits

German 2 (35231)

Continuation of German 1. Students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills are progressively developed. Added emphasis is placed on vocabulary acquisition. German culture through music, literature, and history enhance classroom instructional activities.

Pre-requisite:  German 1                                                                                       

Fee: WSU CE & Books               10th, 11th, or 12th Grade                                                1.0 Elective credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                            GRMN 1010 – 3 credits                 

German 3 (35232)

Continuation of German 2. Through speaking, listening, reading and writing activities, the student gains a basic proficiency in language fluency. More emphasis placed on free conversation.  

Pre-requisite:  German 2

Fee: WSU CE & Books          10th, 11th, or 12th Grade                     1.0 English Elective credit Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                    GRMN 1020 – 3 credits

German 4 (35233)

Continuation of German 3. Oriented toward an active, flexible command of German through personal use and understanding. Communication through hearing, speaking, reading, and writing is enriched by cultural literacy.

Pre-requisite:  German 3                         

Fee: WSU CE & Books          10th, 11th or 12th Grade                      1.0 English Elective credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                    GRMN 2010 – 3 credits

German 5/Pre AP (35234)

Advanced mastery of communicative skills as continued proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking is emphasized through oral exercise, written compositions, and literacy analysis.

Pre-requisite: German 4                                                                                              

Fee: WSU CE & Books          11th or 12th Grade                              1.0 English Elective credit      Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                    GRMN 2010 – 3 credits

American Sign Language 2 (35301)

Students will increase their signing proficiency and be able to discuss a wide range of topics.  Deaf culture and history will be explored in greater depth.  Classes are conducted in American Sign Language with a high emphasis on expressive skills.

Pre-requisite:  Sign Language 1

Fee: WSU CE & Books          11th or 12th Grade                                        1.0 elective credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                               ASL 1010 – 3 credits

 American Sign Language 3 (35302)

Students will continue to develop language proficiency in ASL, and study forms of ASL literature.  Upon completion, students will be will prepared to interact with members of the deaf community.    This class will also prepare students to further their ASL studies at the college level in an interpreter training program or other ASL-related field if desired.  Classes are conducted in ASL with a high emphasis on expressive skills.

Pre-Requisite:  Sign Language 2

Fee: WSU CE & Books          12th Grade                                       1.0 English elective credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                 ASL 1020 – 3 credits

Intermediate Algebra – MATH 1010 WSU (62567)

The course focuses on Linear and quadratic equations; inequities; polynomials; rational expressions; radicals; negative and rational exponents; complex numbers; linear systems; introduction to functions; logarithms and exponential functions.  This is a semester course.

Pre-requisite:   C or better in Sec Math 1, 2 and 3

Fee: WSU CE & Books           12th Grade                                                            1.0 math credit

concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                       math 1010 – 4 credits 

Quantitative Analysis - MATH 1030 QL WSU (62568)

The course focuses on topics from mathematics which convey to the student the beauty and utility of mathematics, and which illustrate its application to modern society.  Topics include geometry, statistics, probability, and growth and form.

Pre-requisite:   C or better in Sec Math 1, 2 and 3

Fee: WSU CE & Books           12th Grade                                                        1.0 math credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                          Math 1030 – 4 credits

College Algebra- WSU Math 1050 (62563)

Students successfully passing this course (C or better) will receive 4 college credits from USU. Deals with linear, quadratic, radical, rational, logarithmic and exponential equations as well as systems of equations, and the fundamental counting principle. Text is based on the TI-83 calculator. TI-83 or equivalent calculator required.

Pre-requisite:   C or better in Sec Math 1, 2 and 3 AND math act score of 23 OR C or better in Math 1010.

Fee: WSU CE & Books           12th Grade                                                         1.0 math credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                       math 1050 – 4 credits

College Trigonometry- USU Math 1060 (62566)

 Students passing this course with a C or better will receive 2 university credits. Trigonometric ratios in triangles, verifying identities, solving trigonometric equations.  This is a semester course.

Pre-requisite:  C or better in MATH 1050

Fee:  USU Ce & Books           12th Grade                                                         0.5 math credit

concurrent enrollment offered through USU                                         math 1060 – 2 credits

Welding Technician-Intermediate (84375)

Students will learn more advanced skills in the welding processes that will prepare them to apply technical knowledge and skill in the workplace and in project construction.  This course is based on the American Welding Society (AWS) task list and is aligned with standards and objectives set by the state of Utah and industry.  This course prepares students for the Utah State Welding, Advanced Level test.

Fee: $20 & WSU CE                11th or 12th Grade                                                 1.0 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                             MFET 2153 – 1 credit

Computer Technology 2 (28221)

Juniors and seniors can take the Weber State University required Microcomputer Applications course at Fremont!  Become awesome in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.  This is a concurrent college course on campus with WSU exams to provide students with 3 credit hours of required General Education credits—currently over $900 in tuition costs if taken at WSU. 30 wpm keyboarding recommended.

pre-requisite:  computer tech                               

Fee: WSU CE                        11th or 12th Grade                                                       0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                      NTM 1700 – 3 credits

Customer Service (28354)

Get a JOB developing customer satisfaction and loyalty.  Experience the service industry.  Work with local Ogden-area businesses and prepare for job opportunities.  Create service strategies, refine service skills, and gain experience to calmly help customers.

Fee: WSU CE                      10th, 11th or 12th Grade                                         0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU for 11th and 12th graders      PS 1403 - 3 credits

Entrepreneurship (28243)

Start your own business!  Create YOUR OWN plan for operating a small business through planning management, promotions, setup and the construction of YOUR Business Plan.

Fee: WSU CE                      10th, 11th or 12th Grade                      0.5 CTE credit Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU for 11th and 12th grader                            ENTR 1002 – 3 credits

Fashion Design Studio (43230)

This course explores how fashion influences everyday life and introduces students to the fashion industry. Topics covered include: fashion fundamentals, elements and principles of design, textiles, consumerism, and fashion related careers, with an emphasis on personal application. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education. Student leadership and competitive events (DECA) may be an integral part of the course.

Fee: $15 & WSU CE              10th, 11th or 12th Grade                                         0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU for 11th & 12th graders         PS 1503 – 3 credits

Marketing 1 (28260) and Marketing 2 (28264)

Become an excellent employee, manager, entrepreneur, marketer and consumer!  Build the future you – in any career area.  Construct expert sales opportunities.  Develop marketing skills….and do it with YOUR Business Plan ideas.

Fee: WSU CE                      10, 11th or 12th Grade                                      1.0 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment through WSU for 11th & 12th graders           2nd sem PS 1303 – 2 credits

School Store—Customer Service (28351/28354)

Run the Silver Dollar School Store.  Develop promotions, displays, and sales.  Create excellent customer service experiences.  Develop marketing skills…and do it with YOUR Business Plan ideas.   

Pre-Requisite:  One marketing course

Fee: WSU CE                      11th or 12th Grade                                              1.0 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU           PS 1890- 3 credits & PS 1403 – 2 credits

 CAD Architectural Design 1 (84320)

CD WSU DET 1040 Fundamentals of Architectural Drafting using 2D and 3D CAD. 

The first in a sequence of courses that prepare individuals for careers in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. This course includes instruction in 2D or 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to draw a small residential home with an emphasis on blueprint reading.   

Fee: $10 & WSU CE              10th, 11th or 12th Grade                                     0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment credit offered through WSU                                       DET 1040-3 credits

 CAD Architectural Design 2 (84321)

CD WSU DET 1350 Residential Architecture Design. 

Can be taken the same semester as CAD Arch 1.

The second in a sequence of courses that prepare individuals for careers in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. This course includes instruction in 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to design and model a small residential home with an emphasis on residential methods and materials of construction, codes, and Building Information Modeling (BIM). 

Fee: $10 & WSU CE              10th, 11th or 12th Grade                                                 0.5 CTE Credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                    DET 1350 - 3 credits             

CAD Architectural Design 3 (84322)

CD WSU DET 2000 Introduction to Commercial Architecture and BIM. 

Can be taken the same semester as CAD Arch 2.

The third in a sequence of courses that prepare individuals for careers in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. This course includes instruction in 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to model a small commercial building with an emphasis on commercial methods and materials of construction, codes, and Building Information Modeling (BIM). 

Fee: $10 & WSU CE              11th or 12th Grade                                               0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                              DET 2000-3 credits

CAD Mechanical Design 2 (84276)

CD WSU DET 1010 Fundamentals of Drafting using 3D CAD.

Can be taken the same semester as CAD Mech 1.  The second in a sequence of course that prepares students with an emphasis in developing technical knowledge and skills to develop 3D models in support of mechanical and industrial engineers, and related professionals. This included instruction in the use of 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, model creation, and technical communication. 

Fee: $10 & WSU CE              10th, 11th OR 12th Grade                                      0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                                 DET 1010-3 credits

 CAD Mechanical Design 3 (84277)

CD WSU DET 1160 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Using 3D.

Can be taken the same semester as CAD Mech 2.  The third in a sequence of courses that prepares students with an emphasis in developing a technical knowledge and skills to develop working drawings in support of mechanical and industrial engineers, and related professionals. This includes instruction in the use of 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, threads & fasteners, welding symbols, geometric dimensioning and Tolerancing, and assemblies. 

Fee: $10 & WSU CE              11th OR 12th Grade                                              0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                              DET 1160-3 credits

Adult Roles and Financial Literacy (43338)

Join in the FUN!  Learn how to interact with your friends, members of your family, people you date, and more formally with employers.  Learn about love, dating, and marriage. . . Learn about solving life’s problems and preparing for the future!  Learn how to communicate with the opposite sex.  Learn about controling your finances, instead of letting them control you!  

Students who complete the ENTIRE course will fulfill the General Financial Literacy graduation requirement and also fulfill the diversity requirement for Weber State.

Fee: WSU CE                      11th OR 12th Grade                           0.5 Fin Lit & 0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment credit offered through WSU                                  CHF 2400-3 credits

Foundations of Nutrition (43311)

Everyone likes to eat, but do you know what you're eating?  Learn about the available 'tools' to help you choose the foods you eat wisely.  Which vitamins and minerals are important for good health and why.  A dietary analysis will open your eyes and shock you as you analyze what you have eaten.

This Course fulfills your LIFE SCIENCE credit towards your Associate Degree.

Fee: WSU CE & Book            11th or 12th Grade                                              0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment credit offered through WSU                                    NUTR 1020-3 credits

Human Development (43330)

You are about to begin an exciting personal journey.  How did our life begin?  How did you go from a single cell about the size of a poppy seed to the fully-grown complex adult person you are today?  How do you influence other people’s lives?  How do they influence yours?  The science of human development is the study of how and why people change as they grow older, as well as how and why they stay the same in every culture. Earn both diversity and general education credit for this course.

Fee: WSU CE & Book            11th or 12th Grade                                              0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment Credit offered through WSU                              CHF 1500-3 credits

Interior Design 2 (43260)

Draperies, carpets, lights, chairs, wallpapers, paint, etc. -- it’s enough to make your head spin!  Don’t panic – come and learn the basics as you learn to apply the elements and principles of design to interiors.  You will draw actual floor plans, fill them with furniture, and plan a presentation board with your choices of a color scheme, lighting, fabric choices, wall-treatments, etc.  You will also learn about architectural and historical features that make a house a home.  The Favorite project is the Gingerbread Houses!

Fee: $15 & WSU CE              10th, 11th, or 12th Grade                                    0.5 CTE credit

Pre-requisite:  Interior Design I

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                         IDT 1010-3 credits 

Music Appreciation (32283)

CE Music Appreciation is designed to make music more meaningful to the average listener.  The student will learn about great composers throughout the history of music as well as their contributions to music.  Course topics will be aimed at developing better music listening skills and some basic musical language.  Textbook purchase required.  Outside concert attendance may be required.  Provides a high school Fine Arts/elective credit as well as 3 Creative Arts credit

Fee: WSU CE                      11th or 12th Grade                  1.0 Fine Arts credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered Through WSU                                        MUSC 1010 – 3 credits

Intro to Theatre (32340)

An introduction to live theatre and drama and the creative heritage of theatre.  Students will develop critical awareness of dramatic theory and performance practice through reading and evaluating historical and contemporary drama, and through applied creative activities.  Students are expected to attend theatre performances outside of regularly scheduled class time. Fulfills a college general education requirement in Humanities.

Fee: WSU CE                      11th, or 12th Grade                                    1.0 Fine Arts credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                          theatre 1013 - 3 credits

Art 2 Drawing (32212)

Students will have opportunities to explore and develop skills in such media as: charcoal, pastels, ink, graphite, acrylic, prism colored pencils, pen and ink, watercolor, scratchboard, and printmaking. Students will be geared towards doing portfolio and show quality work.                                                                                               1.0 Fine Arts credit

Fee: $20 per sem & WSU CE    10th, 11th, or 12th Grade                                 Art 1110 - 3 credits

Concurrent Enrollment through WSU for 11th & 12th grade                     & Art 1030-3 credits

Art History (32212)

Through lectures, readings, and gallery visits: students will learn about various processes and techniques of art making, develop an understanding of the functions of art, learn the basic vocabulary for describing visual art, and a general historical understanding of the role art has played in our society.

Fee: $20 & WSU CE              11th, or 12th Grade                                         1.0 Fine Arts credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                                      Art 1010 - 3 credits

Dance 1010 (32345)   no PE credit

An introduction to dance, providing a knowledge base from which to experience dance from a variety of viewpoints: historically, culturally, aesthetically, critically and creatively.  This course takes a close-up look at the rules, messages and meanings embodied in dance around the world.  This is a writing intensive course.  Students are expected to attend dance concerts and cultural dance experiences outside regularly scheduled class time.  This course fulfills the diversity credit for Weber State.  Open to all students.

Fee:  WSU CE                      11th or 12th Grade                                         0.50 Elective credit

Concurrent Enrollment offer through WSU                                        DANCE 1010 – 3 credits

Elementary Chemistry 1110 (72232)

Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry and introduction to organic chemistry.  This is designed primarily for students of nursing, engineering technology and some other fields of science and health professions who will take no more than one year of chemistry.  Lecture and labs are part of this course. It is recommended that you take the high school chemistry course prior to enrolling in this CE course.

Fee:  WSU CE fee applies                          11th or 12th Grade                                          1.0 Science credit

Concurrent Enrollment offer through Weber State                                     CHEM 1110 & 1110L – 5 credits

WSU Introductory Psychology 1010 (77428)

Introduction to the scientific study of human behavior.  Fulfills a college general education requirement in Social Science.

Fee:  Wsu CE fee Applies                          11th or 12th Grade                                       0.5 Elective credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through Weber State                                                  PSY 1010 – 3 credits

Introduction to Automotive Service (84245)

Introductory Automotive Course.  This course offers a basic knowledge of engines, brakes, alignment, transmission, drivelines, ignition and electrical systems.  Consumer Automotive Course.

Fee $20, WSU CE fees                              10th, 11th or 12th Grade                                    0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                                           AUSV 1000 – 3 credits        

 ASE – Brakes (84331)

Lab and class work on automotive braking systems.  Learn diagnosis and repair of hydraulic systems, drum, disk, power assist, wheel bearings, parking brake, anti-lock brake and traction control systems.

Pre-Requisite: Intro to Auto Service

Fee $20, WSU CE fees                              11th or 12th Grade                                            0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                                         1st Sem     AUSV 1021 – 3 credit          

 ASE – Suspension & steering (84334)

Lab and class work on automotive suspension and steering.  Learning diagnosis and repair of springs, shocks, struts, rack and pinion, pumps, electric power assisting, alignment, tire balance and wheels. Pre-Requisite: ASE Brakes                            

Fee $20, WSU CE fees                              11th or 12th Grade                                            0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                                2nd Sem   AUSV 1022 – 2 credits         

ASE – Electrical/Electronics (84332)

This course focuses on an in-depth study of automotive electrical systems, starters, charging, lighting, gauges, warning devices and batteries. (2-period block)

Pre-Requisite:  ASE Brakes, Steering & Suspension

Fee $20 per semester, WSU CE fees              11th or 12th Grade                                                1.0 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                                                        AUSV 1320 – 4 credits          

 ASE – Automotive Engines (84333)

This course is an in-depth study of automotive engine performance, tune-up, ignition, fuel, exhausts, emissions and computer control systems.  (2-period block)

Pre-Requisite: ASE Electrical                                     

Fee $20 per semester                                 12th Grade                                                         1.0 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                                         AUSV 1120 – 3 credits

 Computer Programming 1A (27210)

Basic programming class for students with little or no programming experience.  Using VisualBasic.NET, students will learn the basics of programming and algorithms, good programming style and form.

Fee: WSU CE fee applies                 10TH, 11th or 12th Grade            0.5 CTE elective math credit Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                                   CS 1030 – 4 credits

 Computer Programming 1B (27211)

Reviews and builds on concepts from Computer Programming 1A.  Using Java, students will work on intermediate programming topics to gain a better understanding of object-oriented programming, software design and computer applications.

Fee: Wsu CE fee applies                  10TH, 11th or 12th Grade            0.5 CTE elective math credit

Pre-requisite:  Computer Programming 1A                          

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                           CS 1400 – 4 credits

 Video Game Design/Digital Media 2: Production (28389)

This course is designed to teach the process of planning, developing and publishing digital media and interactive media projects using the elements of text, 2D and 3D graphics, animation sound, video, digital imaging, interactive projects, etc.  Video Game Design is built into this concurrent course through Weber State. Students will learn the theory and basics of video game design.  Students will receive college credit in computer science.

Pre-requisite:  Digital media 1

Fee: WSU CE fee applies                           11th or 12th Grade                                               1.0 CTE credit Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                        CS 1010 – 3 credits

 Busniess Management (28240)

This Business Management course seeks to develop sound management skills within students, as management plays a role in any future employment opportunity.  Students learn leadership skills and are able to select appropriate management styles.  Students are taught current technological applications and the effect international trade has on management style and decisions.

Fee: WSU CE fee applies                           11th or 12th Grade                                               1.0 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through Weber State University           SAD 1010 - 3 credits

Introduction to Emergency Medical Response (47270)

Advanced emergency medical information and skills.  Possible certifications with ARC (American Red Cross) are:  CPR for the professional rescuer, First Responder. Those interested in the medical field, law enforcement, and public safety should consider this course. 

WSU CE fee applies                                    11th or 12th Grade                                                   0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                        AT 2300-3 credits

 Exercise Science/Sports Medicine (47350)

Exercise Science/Sports Medicine teaches students components of Exercise Science including detailed anatomy, physiology, exercise injury evaluation, management and rehabilitation.  Students will have the opportunity to work alongside a certified athletic trainer.  Certification and Skills Test required upon completion of the class.

WSU CE fee applies                                      11th or 12th grade                                                1.0 CTE credit

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                                            AT 2175 – 3 credits

 Medical Terminology (47360)

Prepares students to obtain WSU credit in Medical Terminology.  This course focuses on medical terminology and case studies.  Prepares students for the health care field by learning advanced medical terminology.  This is a great class to take with Medical Anatomy & Physiology. It is recommended that you take Intro to Health Science prior to taking this course.                                                   

WSU CE fee applies                                 11th or 12th Grade                                              0.5 CTE credit

Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU                                         HTHS 1101-2 credits

Advanced Health Science- WSU EDNET (47480 and 47481)

Health Sciences HTHS 1110 (LS) & HTHS 1111

Integrated Anatomy and Physiology I & II

For students interested in college level Anatomy and Physiology course.  This course will fulfill a prerequisite course for WSU – Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory, Nursing, Radiologic Science, and Respiratory Therapy Tracks.  This course will transfer as an Anatomy and Physiology credit to any University inside and outside the State of Utah, except Utah State University.  This course meets the life science (LS) general education learning outcomes for WSU graduation.     May receive up to 8 WSU credits.

(1st and 5th periods)

WSU CE fee applies/required textbook                12th Grade                                                           2.0 CTE credit         

Pre-Requisite:   C or better in MAP or a 21 ACT score.

Concurrent Enrollment offered through WSU                          HTHS 1110- 4 credits & HTHS 1111-4 credits

Intro to Education 1010  - Secondary Education(23901)

Students will explore the exciting world of teaching; examine what it means to be a teacher; and participate in field observations.  This course is designed to introduce students to personal and professional experiences within the educational community.  This course or an approved equivalent, is a prerequisite to elementary and secondary licensure programs in the department of teacher education at Weber State University. (2 Period Block)                           

Fee:  WSU CE fee applies                    11th or 12th Grade                                  1.0 CTE credit

concurrent enrollment available through WSU                                            EDUC 1010-3 credits