Organize a Club

Fremont High School Process for Organization of Clubs and Groups

Fremont High School has both clubs and groups for student activities. Clubs are organizations directly related to the school curriculum, whereas groups are not directly related to the curriculum.

Any students of Fremont High School desiring to organize a CLUB or GROUP for a specific purpose of activity MUST meet all of the policy requirements for Student Organizations found under the Weber School District Policy 4540. The purposed organization must have a Club/Group Application approved by the Administrator over clubs and groups, which will include but is not limited to the following information:

1. Name of Applicant (s)

2. Proposed Club/Group Name

3. Type of Club/Group

4. Explain relationship/connection to the curriculum (Club Only)

5. Statement of Purpose

6. Statement of Goals

7. Statement of proposed activities

8. Proposed meeting times, dates, places

9. Proposed budget/costs to participants

- Each club or group must have a Charter (disclosure) and a Parental agreement form signed, giving permission for their student to be in that particular club or group.

- All clubs and groups must have a school advisor, selected by the principal.

- The Club/Group Application, Clubs and Groups Policies, and the Parent Consent Form, are available in the office and on Fremont’s website under the clubs and groups tab.

Club-Group Application Form