Drivers Ed.

Fremont High Driver Education Classes

Students may enroll in driver education at Fremont High as soon as they turn fifteen years old and have obtained a driving permit. The law requires students to hold a permit for at least six months prior to receiving a license. It is the discretion of the parents when the student should enroll in the course

To enroll in a course, pick up an information packet and blue card from the main office. Then go to Drivers Ed, fill out the required information, and choose the class time of your choice. By registering on the software you will be able to schedule your class, range, and drive times. Also, please fill out the blue card (this can be found in the main office). This will be used for road information. Sign ALL forms and upload a copy of your driving permit on the portal once you sign up. The cost if $160 ($40 for the class and $120 for Behind the Wheel).

When you enroll, please sign up for the "Drivers ED Package".


Please pay the bookkeeper and staple a copy of the receipt to the blue sheet. We currently cannot take payment on the registration site. We will mark payment once we receive the receipt. All classes will begin in room B212. Payment must be made prior to the class.