Extra Curricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities & Eligibility

As a school, in response to an increase of attendance and academic concerns for our students, we will be implementing an initiative that will benefit all students in our school. Our school is struggling with students who are consistently absent or tardy, which is affecting our teachers ability to effectively run their classrooms. The academic success of our students is the top priority at Fremont and it has been proven that consistent attendance leads to greater academic success. We feel that extracurricular participants are role models in a school and we are asking them to be part of the solution in the overall success at Fremont High School. We are defining extra-curricular participants as students who participate in athletics (both in season and out of season), CTSO competitions and activities, student government office, performing arts performances and activities, National Honor Society, as well as other groups that may later be identified by advisors or administration.

The Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) handbook defines academic eligibility for UHSAA sanctioned athletics and activities. We want to mirror this and hold all extracurricular participants to those same standards. Weber School District (WSD) policy 4170 allows coaches and advisors to set specific expectations for participation in those extracurricular events based on attendance requirements. It is with this in mind that Fremont High School will be implementing an eligibility plan.

The UHSAA and Weber School District policies require that a student maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 with no more than one failing grade to be eligible for extracurricular activities. WSD also has an attendance credit loss (ACL) policy that states students with greater than 0.75 attendance credit loss are also ineligible. This eligibility initiative is proactive instead of punitive, with opportunities for quick remediation.

The academic success of our students is the top priority at Fremont and participating in those extracurricular activities is a privilege that is earned through hard work and effort. When a student agrees to represent Fremont High School as an extracurricular activity participant, they are held to higher standards with regards to absences, tardies and grades. Employers report that the number one skill they seek when hiring high school and college aged students is dependability in both attendance and work ethic. Holding students accountable for their own eligibility in extracurricular activities directly supports Fremont’s Mission Statement “We educate and inspire students to learn at high levels as they prepare for life.” At Fremont, this initiative further helps us prepare our students to be successful in their future career endeavors.

As such game day check will be in place for any student participating in an extra curricular sport.

Game day checks consist of running an attendance report prior to an event. Any student that has an absence that has not been vetted through the administrator over athletics will not be allowed to participate. Parents, we strongly encourage you to make sure that your students are in class, especially on game days.  Game day absences should be for things that are not changeable, Doctors appointments, dentist appointments, etc… If there is a situation that arises just let attendance and the administration know. 

Carefully review the Fremont High School Extracurricular Eligibility Plan that will be implemented to start the 2024-2025 School Year.

  • All students that will be participating in any extracurricular activity will be placed on a master roster in the WSD Student Information System. 

  • Academic Eligibility will be checked on the first day of school following the end of the quarter. Eligibility will be determined based on posted reports.

  • Attendance Eligibility, also known as Game Day Checks will be run before all games, competitions, and performances.

  • Game day checks will identify students that have not met the eligibility requirements for attendance.

  • Students who have not met the eligibility for attendance on a game day will be ineligible to participate, compete, or perform that day.

  • Academics: Students are expected to have a minimum 2.0 GPA and no more than one failing grade at the time of the eligibility check

In order to excuse an absence, in accordance with WSD policy 4170, a parent/guardian must contact our attendance secretary at 801-452-4000, ext 1, and either speak with our secretary directly OR leave a message  PRIOR to the student being absent from class.